2023/11/09 | 09:40 - 10:40

Stacking Insight


In this talk, we'll look at how organizations build platform capabilities to solve concrete business challenges that this company is facing. We'll use Zalando, the starting point for European fashion, as the case study for this journey. We'll look at how they grew through the different stages of their business and the business challenges they had at that moment in time. We'll look at that through the lens of the resulting technical challenges and then how we solved those technical challenges. Lastly, we'll talk about how we codified this knowledge as part of the "developer platform" that we ultimately called "Sunrise." From this talk, you should be able to take away less from Zalando's growth to apply to your organizations and best understand how to position yourself for the future.

Andrew Howden

/ Engineering Manager

(Bing翻譯)Andrew 是一個失敗的運動科學學生,他因為運氣和找工作的迫切需要而偶然進入了軟體工程的領域。在他的同事的恩典和耐心的指導下,他花了十多年的時間學習如何成為一個軟體工程師、系統工程師、網站可靠性工程師和人因工程學的學生。最近,他正在學習如何成為一個工程管理者,並試圖將他到目前為止所獲得的知識傳授給下一代的軟體冒險家。

Andrew is a failed sports science student who wandered into software engineering with luck and the need to find a job quickly. Through the grace and patience of his colleagues, he has spent over a decade learning how to be a software engineer, systems engineer, site reliability engineer and student of human factors. Most recently, he is learning how to become an engineering manager and trying to pass on what knowledge he gained so far to the next generation of software adventurers.

  • ROOM
    1F M棟+聯播
  • TAGS
    #Services & Pipeline
  • 適合聽眾
    #經營決策者(Decision makers)
    #Software development
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